Phonecards On-Line(c) is Published by Alan Cohen 
October 18, 1998
Issue #145
Current Circulation: 3,000+

In This Issue:

Washington DC Phonecard Collector's group third anniversary
Moneycard Collector web site redesign
Survey Request
Press Releases 
Promotional Offers

Check out the latest phonecard auctions on Ebay. Visit Ebay at: 


Washington DC Phonecard Collector's group third anniversary
by Del Deligianis

The meeting which marks the third anniversary of the Washington DC Phonecard 
Collector's group will be held on Wednesday November 18th at 7:00pm at the 
Pentagon City Mall.  The first meeting was three years ago  founded on a 
thought on Tom Zelinski's part that it would be good for those of us in 
the DC area to get together.  Many of the charter members were then active 
in the Compuserve forum, including Tom, Art Becker, Ron Abler, Brian Chanin, 
Howard Segermark and me.  The discussion then, like now focused
on the future of the hobby.  Of course we had MopeyCard magazine, Premier 
Telecard magazine TeleCard World and a small print guide for prices in the 
PCM report.  The catalog available was the new H and G catalog by Steve 
Hiscocks and Chris Garibaldi, also Compuserve visitors.  For the most
part it looked as if we were all pioneers in a hobby which, if European and 
Japanese experience is an indicator, would include thousands of interested 
phone card collectors.  
Major companies creating interesting phone cards for collectors included 
AmeriVox, AmCall, Ameritech, ACI/ACMI, ConQuest, GTI, HT Technologies, 
LDDS Worldcom, Mercury Marketing,  NYNEX, and Brilliant Color Cards 
(forgive any omissions, my memory is not as good as it was back then.) 
Dealers included Scott Dupont (Keep The Change), Bruce Harmon (Acme), 
Edward Duniven (HT) James Moran (Telequest), Lenny Rapp (Phone Card 
Connection), Steve Schwartz (SEARS),  Scott and Kathy Shapiro (KARS), 
Roger Streit, Chris and Genny English, Luis Vigdor (Powell), B&B Phonecards, 
USA Card Corporation.   

Regular auctions were held by James Moran, Bruce Harmon, Alan Cohen and 
others, many as a part of the collector's forum section on Compuserve.  
Art Becker and Ron Abler maintained a detailed list of the varieties 
available in the Gillette series.  Some trading took place and a terrific 
selection of cards were won in a lottery at the end of the meeting. Over 
the years much has changed as some stays the same.  Those of us
active in the group plan on having a 4th anniversary celebration next 
year where we can talk about this years events.

Moneycard Collector web site redesign

If you haven't been to the Moneycard Collector web site in a while, 
you should consider checking it out at:

Some nice new additions to the web site include:

A list of the "America's Most Wanted" phonecards
A list of recent "hot cards" with full pricing information
A link to Promos and Offers reprinted from the magazine
A card gallery
Recent editorials
Classified Ads
Dealer Directory

For those of you who are not subscribers, there is a way to subscribe on-line as well.

Survey Request

" Jim Chudnow, a writer for various publications such as Moneycard 
Collector, is now doing further work on some upcoming possible articles... 
He'd appreciate your joining in a SURVEY he's doing of what 
THEMATIC TOPICS people are most interested in collecting today. If you 
contact him at "", he'll gladly send you a 
copy of his questionnaire-- with thanks to you for your help.


No Press Releases This Week


No Promotional Offers This Week

Until Next Time,



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newsletter devoted to phonecards - Current news, viewpoints, and reviews
of new issues. 

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