Phonecards On-Line - Written by Alan H. Cohen

August 24, 1997

Issue 93

Phonecards On-Line is written and distributed by Alan Cohen

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News and Views

Southern California Phonecard Collectors Group

This is just a short reminder that the first meeting of the Southern California Phonecard Collector’s Group will take place this coming Saturday, August 30th at the food court of the Camarillo Outlet Center Mall. This is right off the 101 freeway in Camarillo. If you are in the area, join us at about 2pm for an afternoon (and evening) of phonecard fun. Contact me for more information.

IPC Meeting at Telecard World ’97

There will be a meeting of the IPC (International Phonecard Collectors) at the upcoming Telecard World ’97 show in New York City. It will take place at 11am on Friday 9/26 in the main food court on the lower level of the Javits Center. While this show is not geared toward dealers and collectors, the IPC is an organization that is. This meeting is open to all collectors, whether you belong to the IPC or not.

Telecard Forum up and running

The new telecard forum is up and running on CompuServe - There are many different sections for phonecards collectors to read and create messages, including General Discussion, Auctions, World Phonecards, US Phonecards, Other Moneycards, IPC/ITA, Publications, and many more. If you are not on CompuServe and want to try free of charge, call 800-848-8199 within the US and Canada. You can also visit their web site at

Washington National Airport Phonecard

This prepaid phonecard commemorates the spectacular opening of the new air traffic control tower and passenger terminal at Washington’s National Airport. These highly collectible cards are beautiful and provide five minutes of calling time good anywhere in the continental United States. Aviation buffs and collectors of all kinds will appreciate the top quality of these cards.

One dollar from each phonecard purchased will be donated to the Children’s National Medical Center in Washington, D.C. They are $5 each, plus shipping. To order, e-mail, or write to:

First Choice Telecards
549 Ritchie Hwy #130
Severna Park, MD 21146


TeleDanmark says farewell to magnetic stripe phonecards! As TeleDanmark’s process of replacing payphones using the magnetic stripe technology with the modern chip-technology is nearly completed the last phonecards using magnetic stripes have been issued. The three cards are private issue cards for a German company and commemorate the European leaders Franz Vranitsky (Austria), Frlipe Gonzales (Spain) and Ingvar Carlsson (Sweden). All cards have a face value of DKK 5 each and are done as a second run.

In the future all cards issued by TeleDanmark will use the chip technology.

From: Ulf Helmke

Limited Edition Post Office Phonecards

The Post Office has been selling phonecards for awhile. Each is one of 75,000 to 100,000 issued. Now they have 3 Limited-Edition issues that are one of 5,000 issued.

Each is one of 5,000 issued. These lower issue phonecards are available now.

From: Mike Gabriel

Tetley Tea

I've found specially-marked boxes of 24 family-sized tea bags, which contain 1 of the 6 five-minute cards, in my area. They were recently on sale, 2 boxes for $3.00. No boxes of 100 bags, though. I've sold a couple of extra unopened boxes at a small loss, just to get the card (I let the recipient open the box themselves).


Flinstone vitamins are offering a 5 minute calling card. It is a circular card placed on the top of the cap. I made my purchase at Sam's.

From: POL Readers.

Catalog/Phonecard Offer

To receive a free 20 minute phone card and our full color catalog, send $4.00 shipping and handling to:

4 Cathedral Park
4th Floor
Buffalo, NY 14202

Until Next Week,



Phonecards On-Line is written and distributed by Alan Cohen. It is a weekly newsletter devoted to phonecards - Current news, viewpoints, and reviews of new issues. It is distributed free of charge, and available two ways.

1) On-Line on the World Wide Web. The address is: - All back issues are archived at the web site!

2) Direct e-mail. Send a message to:

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