August 17, 1996

Issue 44

Phonecards On-Line is written and distributed by Alan Cohen

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News and Views

McDonald’s by Score Board Update

Last week, it was disclosed that although Classic released 499 cases of the New McDonald’s phonecard product, much more of the product was printed than could be used for the number of cases produced. At the time, I did not have information that the McDonald’s trading card product has the same phonecards that the phonecard product does. However, there still is a discrepancy, and the number of cards produced still is more than can fit in with either product. No answer yet from Classic, but there is speculation (note this is only speculation at this time) that Classic is producing 250 "breakage cases" for dealers to purchase to sell individual cards. One dealer reported this on CompuServe, but nobody else has confirmed. Even if this were the case, I feel this practice is still deceptive and dishonest. If Classic is going to go through the trouble of announcing that 499 cases were produced of a product, there should only be 499 cases! This is in their literature, and comes with the cases according to dealers. One note to add to this: What Classic appears to be doing is not illegal, but it is not ethical.

On a side note, dealer Jerry Katz states that:

"Most of the $2.00 cards have no mintage figures on they. But I found several that did. The card numbers were the same, with or without mintage, but about 20 -25% of the $2.00 cards had a mintage of 6100 printed on the back. Classic stated that they were the same card, as all the $2.00 cards had a mintage of 6100 each. But why did some have a mintage printed and others not?"

If this is the case, who knows how much of this product was produced. Other dealers have noticed this, and a post on CompuServe stated that the major phonecard publications are aware of this.

IPC Update

For those who have joined the IPC (International Phonecard Collectors) organization, and those who have not, here is an update. The bylaws have been written and have been adopted. Look for them to be publicized in the near future. A big thanks goes to the treasurer, James Wertheimer, who did most of the work. Now that the secretary (me) is settling in Los Angeles, and the President (Bruce Harmon) has his wedding out of the way, look for more news from this organization. Updates will be a regular feature in POL, as with other phonecard magazines.

Magic: The Gathering: The Phonecard

Wizards of the Coast, Inc., makers of the popular Magic: The Gathering trading card game, has reached a licensing agreement with MCI Telecommunications to sponsor the $1,000,000 Magic: The Gathering Pro Tour. The comprehensive multi-year relationship gives MCI exclusive rights to produce and distribute Magic prepaid telephone calling cards worldwide. As part of the agreement, MCI will develop a unique interactive voice retrieval system, which Magic players around the world can access to get frequent tournament ranking results.


Argo City

The following Press Release is from Argo City Company:

Argo City Company presents "Steal this Phone Card."

In effort to keep the spirit of the 1960’s countercultural icon, Abbie Hoffman, Argo City is proud to announce their newest pre-paid calling card. Lending the cover and catch phrase of Hoffman’s self-published book, this strikingly blunt phone card hopes to tap in to the next generation. Those that lived through these chaotic and turbulent years should recognize the image of steal this phone card at a glance. It is the exact replication of Steal this Book, with phone card replacing book.

Steal this phone card will be making its debut coincidentally at the 1996 Democratic Convention in Chicago! There Andrew Hoffman, Abbie’s son, will be demonstrating and carrying on his father’s work. He is founder of America’s Soup Kitchen on Wheels, which will receive a percentage of proceeds from sale of the cards.

Steal this Phone Card includes 10 units of pre-paid calling time, domestic or foreign, and is rechargeable after the initial time is used. The cards retail at $7 and are available through Argo City Company by calling 1-800-345-0155

Argo City also produces cards such as Wildlife Art Phonecards, the Mona card pictured on the web site, LB Cole, Aviation Art, and more.

HT’s New Collector Club

HT Technologies this week released information on their new Collector Club. Similar to other clubs such as music, video tapes, and books, this club will offer someone 10 phonecards for $1. After that, the subscriber will receive 4 different HT cards a month for $19.95. The subscriber can cancel after three months, but HT hopes they will stay around. The plan to offer Club Discounts and Members Only Limited editions. I think this is a great deal - Even if you do not plan to stay in the club, you can get 22 HT cards for less than $61. The literature says membership is limited, and cards you do not like can be exchanged for other cards. I plan on joining this, as will others no doubt. HT can be reached at (800) 820-8980, or e-mail them directly at Their web site is at

Free Disney Offer

Powell Associates ( is offering a set of 6 different Disney Pocahontas phonecards from Chile for every $25 purchased from their inventory. They can be e-mailed at

Circuit City Offer

Per last week’s circular, purchase a cordless phone, and get a certificate for a free 30 minute calling card. This certificate can be mailed in to receive the card. Probably generic, but since I am in the market for a phone, I may just give it a try.

Reebok Card

Just came in the mail today with my Mervyn's bill. With $50 purchase of Reebok footwear/apparel, receive free collectible phone card! Card is saluting Julie Foudy, co-captain of the 1996 Olympic Soccer Team & all dedicated female athletes who inspire ...... Card is for 5 minutes & offer is limited, Aug 11 to Aug 24, 1996 or while supplies last. See you at Mervyn's

From: Rosie Sherman

Penn. Turnpike

I found on my way home from vacation, in Pennsylvania Travel Plaza's, a beautiful phonecard with TONS of logos on them. (they are much like the Conn. ones we got). It is by NTE ON LINE, MINTAGE is 250, has a scratch-off, re-chargeable. I have a few very low numbers in the teens :) , and a few in the 100's.

The color starts out as a light aqua color and blends down into a yellow. On top it says Travel Plazas in black, and below that Pennsylvania Turnpike in white. Top right has $10 written in black. Below this, through the middle of the card is a small map-like outline of the turnpike with its exits, and travel plazas. Below the map are small logos of the following:

Bob's Big Boy, KFC Express, Sbarro, Roy Rogers, Nathan's, "TCBY", POPEYE'S, Mrs. Fields, TACO BELL, BURGER KING, PRETZEL TIME and, NTE ON LINE.

Very colorful card......and if you like logos, this is the card to add to your collection. There are 12 of them here, and they are beautifully done.

From: Theresa McCandless

That's it for now. Until Next Week,



Phonecards On-Line is written and distributed by Alan Cohen. It is a weekly newsletter devoted to phonecards - Current news, viewpoints, and reviews of new issues. It is distributed free of charge, and available two ways.

1) On-Line on the World Wide Web. The address is:

2) Direct e-mail. Send a message to:

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