
January 20, 1996

Issue 16

Phonecards On-Line is written and distributed by Alan Cohen

News and Views

Administrative Notes

Well folks, as I noted a few weeks ago, there are some major changes under way for this newsletter. It will continue to be distributed free of charge (Nobody would pay to hear me ramble!) but the way it is distributed and where it is archived are changing!

Distribution: As many of you know, I have become pretty involved with web sites over the past few months. I am currently webmaster of two sites, The Card Mall (http://www.cardmall.com) and PCM Report On-Line (http://www.pcmreport.com) Add on top of that writing this newsletter, distributing and managing the mailing list, a full time job (with yet another webmaster title, check out my work page at http://www.psl.cornell.edu - Had to list that for self indulgence), a wife, 3 cats, and other pursuits, time is at a premium! I am hiring an outside service to handle management and distribution of the list. This means that I only have to write the newsletter, and mail it to one place. They will take care of distribution, adding and removing subscribers, etc. This does mean that everyone who is receiving the list will have to re-subscribe to it. I should receive the e-mail address very soon, and I will send it out as a priority message to everyone on the list. I hope that everyone takes the time to re-subscribe (Unless you feel that this is taking too much space in your mailbox, and have been too lazy to be removed!) The newsletter will continue on a weekly basis, and as I said before, the cost is right (free) Unlike some mailing lists, this will be a closed list, meaning that only I can send information. There are other ways to discuss phonecards, rec.collecting.phonecards and the CompuServe Phone and Money Card Section being two of them.

Archive: I have decided to move the back issues of this newsletter to the PCM site, as that will be more phonecard focused. However, there still is and will be a direct link from the Card Mall, so you can actually access the back issues from either location. All of the back issues of this newsletter are available, so if you have missed any issues or are a new subscriber, check out either of those sites to view older issues.

Format: The format will continue to be basically the same. I would like to thank Chris Inoue for contributing to the last issue. If anyone has a similar contribution - news from a specific geographical area, a funny story about collecting, whatever, send it my way - I will most likely publish it here for you. It would be nice to get other points of view. Another thing I will most likely be doing in the future is reviewing new issues. I have received a number of requests from issuers to do this, and those reviews will start this week. If any issuer has a card they wish reviewed, just send me a note via e- mail (alan@cardmall.com)

And now, on to the rest of the newsletter...

NYNEX on the Web

NYNEX joins the growing list of companies who have web sites. Unfortunately, there is not a whole lot there right now that appeals to phonecard collectors. They give a brief history, and list the benefits of phonecards. The neatest part of this site is that they have an album where you turn the pages and see NYNEX cards - Click on the card, get a better view! Unfortunately, the only cards they have are the newer magnetic cards. Another plus - NYNEX Collector's Club Information. The major downfall - No on-line ordering! They give tons of shop addresses that sell these cards, but unless you live in New York City, you are out of luck. Check out their web site at


Cops Phonecard

Not too many details on this one, a CompuServe forum member found the card in a Cops Video - Time on the card unknown, it does allow for US and International Calls. If more information on this is available, I'll note it next time.

Entertainment Cards

This is an area that will probably grow more rapidly than real phonecards. They look like a phonecard, you use them like a phonecard, but they are not used for calling anyone at all, but rather someone or something in particular. The day will come when 900 entertainment lines will be replaced completely by these cards. Most people who use these cards want privacy, and what better way than an untraceable calling card that you can pay for with cash? One company, Nexus Ltd., believes this is so. They are distributing an "adult" oriented entertainment card. The cost of the card is $25, and that is for 10 minutes of "conversation." (That seems cheaper than the rates I see on tv late at night) A sample of this card was sent to me to review, but I really did not want to call the number and use the card, so I will have to just review the card in the closed package - At least it is tastefully done (no nudity) and there is a warning on the card stating that it is not to be sold to anyone under 18 years of age. While I would not go out and purchase this card, I strongly believe that two consenting adults can basically do whatever they want to together. Another benefit of this card - You'll have to budget yourself. I assume that just like using a phonecard, after the time runs out, bye bye. Anyone interested in more information can contact Saul Himelstein at NSHV47A@prodigy.com This year we'll be seeing a lot of entertainment cards, I would not be surprised if the psychic's friends network did not have an entertainment card out soon.

Kit Kat Variety

Richard Heckbert reports receiving two kit kat cards that were different in color and size from the other ones he had received. He reports that they are larger, have a very dark orange coloring, and a different expiration date. Was this a new printing because they had run out of cards? Hopefully we'll learn more of this situation soon.

Until Next week, Happy Collecting,



Phonecards On-Line is written and distributed by Alan Cohen. It is a weekly newsletter devoted to phonecards - Current news, viewpoints, and reviews of new issues. It is distributed free of charge, and available two ways.

1) On-Line on the World Wide Web. The address is: http://www.pcmreport.com

2) Direct e-mail. I'll be setting up a mail distribution system from my internet account. For those who have not already joined this mailing list, my e-mail address is: phoneline@cardmall.com

Until Next week,

Alan Cohen